Steam name (IN STEAM FRIENDS):
Steam ID (Steamidfinder.com for it):
Why you want to be an MPF?
How it will benefit you?
Why would we choose you?
What division do you want to join?
What previous experience do you have with the MPF if any?
What have you done for the MPF?
Give me a roleplay situation using atleast 10 /me's and 10 lines You need 2 characters One MPF One Citizen it is fine to have more but no less.
What brings you to the MPF?
What are you expecting to receive from being in the MPF both IC and OOC?
How are you expected to act in the MPF?
What is a day to day routine of the MPF in your perspective (Dont worry about this one we will not judge you on this)
What other characters do you have? (IF ANY)
IN CHARACTER (Your character writes this)
Hair color:
Eye color:
Distinguishing Marks:
List any other previous fields you have worked in if any
Have you had any previous affiliation with the MPF
Explain why you applied.
Give us some background information of yourself